Kavky a kosatce

Kavky a kosatce

Konopíková, Michaela

This book is based on a field research carried out among ethnic Berbers living in the Grand Atlas Mountains in central Morocco. It analyz...

Antropologie turismu, prostoru a identity v Maroku

published: february 2018
recommended price: 250 czk


Kdo je člověk?

Kdo je člověk?

Noble, IvanaŠirka, Zdenko (ed.)

An Ecumenical Theological Anthropology presents an analysis of human existence as viewed by 18 scholars in an interdisciplinary perspecti...

Teologická antropologie ekumenicky

published: june 2021
recommended price: 380 czk


Lidský obličej

Lidský obličej

Blažek, VladimírTrnka, Radek (ed.)

The book focuses on the human face from psychological, biological and anthropological perspectives. It covers such important areas as the...

Vnímání tváře z pohledu kognitivních, behaviorálních a sociálních věd

published: march 2009
recommended price: 275 czk




Moree, Dana

How should we work with mixed groups? This is a question Dana Moree asks along with almost fifty participants of mixed Roma and non-Roma ...

published: april 2022
recommended price: 240 czk
