Reflexe a journal of philosophy, was founded in 1985 by Ladislav Hejdánek. The first three issues, originaly published in the underground (samizdat) form, were re-issued legally in 1990. The journal then continued as a quarterly and later, in its present form, as a bi-annual. The focus is on original studies in the areas of Philosophy and Theology. While translations of important philosophical essays are also published, preference is given to new publications. Each issue includes reviews of recent philosophical literature from the Czech Republic and abroad.

REFLEXE, Vol 2016 No 51 (2016), 49–77

Pojetí utrpení a zla v evoluční teorii Teilharda de Chardin

[The Understanding of Suffering and Evil in Teilhard de Chardin’s Theory of Evolution]

Františka Jirousová

published online: 21. 04. 2017


The topic of the paper is the concept of suffering and evil in the Christian theory of evolution of Teilhard de Chardin. The origin of suffering and evil is connected with the evolutionary phase of transformation and chaos. The paper explains Teilhardʼs opinion that, whereas death and disharmony are natural in the universe and they can even have a positive significance in evolution, evil, on the contrary, is unnatural, arises from an unmanaged stage of transformation, its main motivation is fear and feeling of humiliation, and its consequence is a breakdown of relationships. In conclusion, Teilhardʼs understanding of the cross as a symbol of evolution is explained.

202 x 130 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 180 czk
ISSN: 0862-6901
E-ISSN: 2533-7637