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Sport osob s intelektovým postižením

Sport osob s intelektovým postižením

[Sport Activities of Persons with Intellectual Disability]

Tilinger, PavelLejčarová, Alena a kol.

subjects: sports and physical education – sociology

paperback, 188 pp., 1. edition
published: march 2012
ISBN: 978-80-246-2037-4
recommended price: 200 czk



This work is based on a theoretical definition of the notion of intellectual disability (ID). It provides information from the history of sport for people with intellectual disability as well as data concerning its current state, it lists the successes of Czech sportsmen on an international scale, it expands in detail on the movement activities and sports preparation of people with ID, defines rules for participation in the top competitions organized by the INAS. The last three chapters present comparative studies: comparison of performance of non-disabled and the ID persons in sport, motor tests and the comparison of IQ and performance.